Well I got bronchitis for about 2 weeks so I missed my goal, however I am on a strong track towards my success. Here are the pics for my own transformation. Workout consistency is 3 x/week. No cardio right now except for heavy bag work for 30 minutes 2x/week. Workout Technique: My own mixed with SAIS and EDT models. Diet: Mostly Organic "real food". I use a 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat but only 5%bad fats if any. I work about 12 hours a day 5/week, so that is why the increased carbs from my usual 40%. I currently weight 184 and I was pinched this AM at 11% bodyfat. I supplement with Glutamine, Liquid Vitamins, Green First Veggie Drink, Predigested BCAA's at night. No creatine or NO2 because I can't digest them. Protein Shake is Brown Rice Protein and sometimes Hemp Protein. My strength has gone up 27% on upper body and 20% lower. I also take digestive enzymes and a physillium husk GI fortifier drink to help keep my colon clean from toxic invaders.
I know any reader will realize that I am not the typical bodybuilder you see in the mags. I have been lifting since the age of 14 years, and I have never taken an anabolic steroid in the 23 years that I have been training. I am just an average guy who loves the beauty of a balanced muscular physique..